Milan Dulal
Milan Dulal
Full stack Developer Yogi Entrepreneur Traveller
Milan Dulal


Where to stay in Birgunj? 2500-3500 Room

Where to stay in Birgunj? 2500-3500 Room

Are you a budget traveler planning a trip to Birgunj, Nepal?, explore two fantastic accommodation options that offer clean rooms, friendly staff, and a range of amenities without breaking the bank. Hotel Makalu and Hotel Punam are perfect choices for those seeking comfortable yet affordable lodging in Birgunj.

Hotel Makalu:
Hotel Makalu is an excellent option for budget-conscious travelers looking for a cozy and pleasant stay. With rooms ranging between NPR 2500+, you can enjoy the comfort of air-conditioned accommodations without straining your wallet. The hotel prides itself on providing clean rooms, ensuring you have a comfortable environment throughout your stay.

The staff at Hotel Makalu are known for their friendly and helpful nature. Whether you have questions about local attractions or need assistance with anything else, you can count on their excellent service. During our stay at Hotel Makalu in Birgunj, Nepal, we had a memorable encounter with a fellow traveler. As we rode the elevator to our room, a friendly gentleman struck up a conversation and offered us some valuable advice on local cuisine.

While Hotel Makalu offers dining options, we recommend exploring the local food scene. Venture out and try authentic Nepalese cuisine in the numerous eateries around Birgunj. However, if you prefer a quick snack or refreshing beverage, don't miss the opportunity to try the delicious lassi—a traditional yogurt-based drink that is both cooling and flavorful.

2. Hotel Punam:
Another great budget-friendly choice in Birgunj is Hotel Punam. With room rates similar to Hotel Makalu, you can enjoy a comfortable and affordable stay without compromising on quality. The hotel boasts clean rooms with air conditioning, ensuring a pleasant atmosphere to relax after a day of exploring.

Like Hotel Makalu, Hotel Punam prides itself on its friendly and accommodating staff. They are always ready to assist guests with a smile, creating a welcoming environment throughout your stay. Their local knowledge can prove invaluable when seeking recommendations for places to visit or activities to try during your time in Birgunj.

For budget travelers seeking affordable accommodations in Birgunj, Hotel Makalu and Hotel Punam are excellent choices. With clean rooms, air conditioning, and friendly staff, these hotels provide a comfortable and enjoyable stay within the range of NPR 2500-3500.

Remember, while these hotels offer dining options, we encourage you to venture out and explore the local food scene. Birgunj has a rich culinary heritage, and trying local dishes and beverages will enhance your overall travel experience.

So, pack your bags, embark on your budget adventure, and experience the warmth of Nepalese hospitality without straining your wallet in Birgunj!